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Since 1919, The Order of DeMolay has helped shape the character of more than one million young men. During that period, members have found their own ways to stay invloved and give something back to the organization. 


To do this, they have formed serveral organizations which are available to active and Senior DeMolay (DeMolay who have reached their 21st birthday are reffered to as "Senior DeMolay") 


The following groups describes some of the better known of these organizations.

Appendant Organizations

The Legion of Honor was founded for the purpose of bringing together a select few out of the millions who have been DeMolay. Legion of Honor recipients must have actively demonstrated outstanding leadership in some field of endeavor, whether it be a civic, professional, fraternal or spiritual arena.


It consists of men who can be implicitly relied upon, as the years pass, to aid young men in carrying the ideals of DeMolay into every walk of life.


The Legion's mission is to consecrate the hearts and minds of its members to an unfaltering belief of a supreme being, support of the public schools, and defense of the rights of all.


A DeMolay legionnaire can be of great assistance to DeMolay. His leadership is needed to guide the young men of today who are learning those teachings that have helped guide his life. One man alone may falter, but, united, legionnaires can expand and extend their abilities, interests and leadership, building a foundation of service and accepting the responsibilities and tradition.


Legionnaires throughout DeMolay have been united in associations called Preceptories, carrying out their responsibilities by extending their leadership to DeMolay.







Legion of Honor Preceptory

Legion of Honor Award

DeMolay Alumni 

The International DeMolay Alumni Association was founded in 1984. It has become the vehicle for alumni involvement and leadership for close to 5,000 life members. This is the official organization for Senior DeMolay.


The International DeMolay Alumni Association is committed not only to recognizing the achievements of alumni members, but also the recognize the future leaders of DeMolay.


Alumni also started the DeMolay Hall of Fame, it spotlights our bright past and our shining future.


Want to see who is in the DeMolay Hall of Fame? Check out the link below the picture!

Founded: 1984

Founded: 1937

Chevalier Courts

The function of a Chevalier Court is to confer the Degree of Chevalier on those named to recieve the award by the International Supreme Council of DeMolay.


In receiving the Degree of Chevalier, members are obligated to perpetual serviec to DeMolay by assisting their Chapters, and their state in maintaining DeMolay and helping to form the leaders of tomorrow.


The Chavalier Courts plan annual observances where the members meet and discuss how to better DeMolay.


Check out other Appendant Organizations

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