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State Senior Councilor

Christopher Ryan Weber

Christopher Ryan Weber was elected the State Senior Councilor at the Annual Arizona DeMolay State Association Congress on April 15th, 2017 in Sun City, Arizona.

Chris joined DeMolay back in October of 2015 as one of the first new members of a reemerging

Chandler Chapter. Although still rather new, he quickly stepped up from Senior Steward and filled in

as Junior Councilor before being elected as Senior Councilor a couple months later.

Since then he was elected to Master Councilor in January of 2017.


Chandler Chapter has continued to grow and develop into a fun, efficient chapter that is well established among the other Arizona DeMolay chapters. Chris and the rest of his chapter have built a strong foundation this term and are looking forward to many more to come.

Going into this next term Chris will be serving at State Senior Councilor, as well as, heading

Chandler Chapter for another 6 months as Master Councilor. He is very much looking forward to

this next term and the many events that chapters will be able to take part in to build bonds with

other chapters and their fellow DeMolay.

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