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Harrison MacKenzie Cantrell was elected the Deputy State Master Councilor at the Annual Arizona DeMolay State Association Congress on April 15th, 2017, in Sun City, Arizona. 


Harrison Cantrell is a third generation DeMolay for his family. He was born in Long Beach, California, but raised in Surprise, Arizona. After fifteen years of scorching heat, he plans on moving Northeast with an Associate Degree in Fine Arts, and later a Baccalaureate Degree in Political Science after he completes his time in DeMolay.

At the age of fifteen, Harrison became one of the many new members in Glendale Chapter. Two years later, he would begin his journey up the Councilor Line. And in the fall of 2016, he would claim the position of Master Councilor as his own. For his six months in office, Harrison would lead his Chapter to be the State powerhouse.

Harrison has earned his Representative DeMolay, the Lamp of Knowledge, and has become a Junior Ritualist. He was awarded the Past Master Councilor-Meritorious Service Award in 2017.

Harrison looks forward to working with the other State Officers and the members of the State Association in a term as he best describes as, "an unforgettable one, the likes of which Arizona DeMolay has never seen.” He wants to make the most out of his time left in DeMolay and wants every DeMolay to do the same. If he were to project his mindset into a few words, it would be what drives him everyday; "Have a plan from A-Z." Never assume the first time will always work, have a plan for each situation. Make every second of every day count. Give it your all, and hold nothing back.

Harrison MacKenzie Cantrell

Deputy State Master Councilor

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